
Quemado Institute No Longer to Carry Donbass News: Updated

[Last edit Mar 5]

Quemado Institute has decided to stop reporting news on Novorossiya. There is some possibility, we believe, that our efforts could inadvertently bring more harm than good to those we had wanted to help. This is in keeping with the Yogic Principle of Ahimsa, by which one strives to do no harm to any living creature, not even by accident.

The decision was made entirely on our own. There were no outside pressures of any kind. All files have been erased except for the commentary below, which we believe may have some historical value. That our decision to quit reporting Novorissya news happened on the same day we changed our website format was completely coincidental.

We thank our readers and followers who made the effort worth our while.

Kate Rosser
Quemado Institute editor

Update (Mar 5): We wish to clarify our reasons for not carrying daily Donbass news, as a number of questions have been raised. The bottom line is, we don’t want to endanger anyone in Donbass or anyone helping the Novorossiya cause, although we had no reason to be concerned for our own safety. The possibility of endangerment may or may not be remote. For example, foreign volunteers, such as the eight Spaniards recently arrested in Spain for allegedly fighting in the Novorossiya Armed Forces and now charged with “terrorism”, may face a tougher defence due to information exposure by alternate news and blog sites. Even if internet data could not be used as direct evidence, it could point to information that could be used in that capacity. This is just one of many possible examples.

It was the nature of our news column that concerned us, as it presented a detailed, comprehensive and concise catalogue of Novorossiya events. We realize, however, that there is little danger in posting commentaries and guest articles, which we will continue to do.

We invite guest columnists. Please leave a comment, giving us permission to contact you by email, if you wish to submit an article.


9 thoughts on “Quemado Institute No Longer to Carry Donbass News: Updated

  1. I am very disappointed. For me, Quemado Institute has been a daily source of information about the events in the Donbass since I first discovered it. I do not demand an “explanation”. Just know that you will be missed very much. My best wishes to all of you in your endeavors.

    Liked by 1 person

    Posted by Maxx | March 1, 2015, 7:44 pm
    • Thank you, Maxx. We are very disappointed too. There is, of course, no explanation other than the one we’ve given. More specifically, there seems a possibility our presentations might arouse anger in the wrong people, at a time when Novorossiya is vulnerable. Even more to the point, there is the “barroom brawl effect”, in which two men start fighting, two more try to break them apart, those men start fighting, and then it’s four, and so on. If what we are seeing is the lead-up to World War III, especially worrisome since the other world wars started similarly in central Europe, then everyone who gets involved “trying to help” risks raising tensions and expanding the conflict. One simply can’t foresee, in a conflict like this, the consequences of one’s actions.

      I hope you find other good sources of news. We found many of our articles via Twitter Advanced Search, available by Googling “twitter search”. You don’t have to sign up for Twitter. Just enter a long search string of all the cities and persons in Donbass that interest you. There are quite a few links. And the propaganda is startling.

      We’ve appreciated your comments. Thanks for visiting.

      Quemado Institute editor


      Posted by kpomeroy | March 1, 2015, 8:51 pm
  2. Disappointing decision as if not by coincidence as you claim. In war, the first thing to disappear is truth. I will now delete your link from daily review and go elsewhere.


    Posted by Winston | March 1, 2015, 8:40 pm
    • Thank you, Winston, for considering us a source of truth. But for all we know, the people of Donbass might need to be shielded, in the sense that too much information could backfire. The point is, we have no way of knowing. At any rate, the truth is still out there, plain as day. A Twitter Advanced Search will reveal an amazing and vivid picture. Please see my reply to Maxx above for details.

      Best wishes,
      Quemado Institute editor


      Posted by kpomeroy | March 1, 2015, 9:16 pm
  3. Today at 4:06 AM

    Thanks for your answer:

    I just have to say that with yesterday’s revelation that the US firm Green Group of Edmond, OK 73013 picked to be active in UKR to forcibly “guard” lethal US weapons from capture in the field, your site is needed to expose such illegality and nefariousness. But, if you pick the side of informational darkness, you help such mercenary forces operate more easily. I beg to differ with your reasons, but it is your conscience you must live with.


    Posted by Winston | March 1, 2015, 9:58 pm
    • Dear Winston,

      We’ve discussed your point and concluded that the information Quemado Institute has been providing is unfortunately more likely to be useful to Novorossiya’s enemies, for example US think tanks, than to Novorossiya itself. During the Vietnam war, underground newspapers helped spark protest, and were a check on US “nefariousness”. Today, such protest seems no longer possible. The Green Group issue, if true, represents a dire escalation. But for all we know, alternate web sites may have contributed to that escalation by advertising that weapons would need to be guarded. It’s a difficult question, which is why we’ve given your point serious consideration. Thanks for your interest.

      Quemado Institute editor.


      Posted by kpomeroy | March 2, 2015, 12:24 am
  4. That is why it would be great reporting to call the Green Group in Edmond, OK and ask. Cassad’s website has even been given high marks for being right to highlight errors and successes by both sides. FWIW: There is a photo that confirms DPR leadership claims that there are at least a few black mercenaries in the UKR National Guard. You put the word nefarious in quotes above as if mercenaries and their employment are not nefarious.

    US think tanks are easily outthought as the members live a bubble world of books and conquest theories devoid of the human toll they are exacting. Yes, my point is made and your excuse of surrender/ being co-opted is noted as well.

    May morality be the champion over the the new wave of Neo-Nazism backed by NATO allies.


    Posted by Winston | March 2, 2015, 1:56 am
    • Hi Winston. The “nefarious” in quotes wasn’t meant to imply mercenaries are not nefarious. The quotes were for clarity because I was quoting you. And now I will quote Zakharchenko: “I will never betray Novorossiya.” That is how we feel. No excuses. You can’t imagine how much we would like to continue the pro-Novorossiya project. To abandon it is the sacrifice we make for Novorossiya. Thanks.


      Posted by kpomeroy | March 2, 2015, 2:17 am
  5. “WTF” ? ! ?
    Please know that for a brief moment in history you were the best.

    God speed Quemado.


    Posted by Saginaw, Michigan | March 2, 2015, 6:36 am

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Censorship Page

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Quemado Institute Modern Physics

Diffusion Gravity and the Quantum Vacuum: Can Virtual Particles Act as Mediators? - Diffusion Gravity: An Heuristic Approach - by DH Fulton - March 30, 2019

Quemado Journal of Gravitational Physics Official Website Link

Investigations in nonstandard theories of gravity and cosmology.

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Quemado Institute – World

(Click then scroll to title.) The Catastrophic Consequences Of Climate Engineering - By Dane Wigington - GeoengineeringWatch.org - January 17, 2019

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Quemado Institute Opinion

Must View VIDEOS of California Firestorm Analysis: California Fires and the Fallout of the Purposeful Destruction of a State - State of the Nation - November 27, 2018

News from Novorossiya

Editorial on Donbass Elections, Donetsk Leadership and Quemado Institute Future Coverage / By Karl Pomeroy, Quemado Institute Chief Editor / Quemado Institute / November 4, 2018

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Quemado Institute Report

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Freedom of speech in the United States was finally strangled. Who is next? -By Andrey Afanasyev - Katehon.com - August 17, 2018

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News from Novorossiya

"There is every reason to believe Kiev regime behind Zakharchenko’s murder." -- Maria Zakharova on the assassination of Alexander Zakharchenko - TASS - August 31, 2018

Day of Sorrow August 31 2018

Donetsk People’s Republic Prime Minister Alexander Zakharchenko, one of the greatest of world leaders, was assassinated today, August 31, 2018, no doubt by Ukrainian saboteurs. He gave his life willingly for the freedom of his country. Let us know he has not died in vain.

For those who mourn the death of DPR President Alexander Zakharchenko, there is some consolation to be found in the comment section at The Saker.


News from Novorossiya

Ukrainian forces shell DPR with two dozen rounds over past 24 hours – JCCC / Thursday, March 8, 2018

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Google Censorship Under Scrutiny – By Claire Connelly - With introduction by Quemado Institute - Revised September 4, 2017

Novorossiya Daily Sun -Official Website Link-

Official Link To Quemado Institute's Dedicated Donbass News Site

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