Donald Trump, Global Financial Elite, Terrorism

New Zealand Massacre: A Globalist Elite Plot to Stop Trump?

Christchurch Terrorist Attack A New World Order False Flag
Introduction by Karl Pomeroy

Quemado Institute
March 16, 2019

49 Killed In Terrorist Attack At Mosques In Christchurch, New Zealand (–

On March 15, 2019, US President Donald J. Trump formally vetoed H.J. Res. 46, a joint resolution that would terminate national emergency declaration 9844 (see video below).  This veto, overturning a treasonous attempt by congress to end his state of emergency and stop the wall on the Mexican frontier, was a landmark victory for Trump, a triumph for the cause of American sovereignty and a positive step toward border security.

It seems notable that very close to the time of the veto, a horrific mass shooting, staged and videoed, unfolded in a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, leaving 49 dead and 40 injured.

Click for video. Trump veto signing ceremony, March 15, 2019

Corporate media blamed the faraway massacre on Trump’s worldwide conservative influence, calling him “racist” and “white supremacist,” a far-fetched allegation that defies common sense and contradicts all evidence.

Was the timing of the veto and the terrorist act a coincidence? Or was the attack a false flag event, scripted by the globalist elite to undermine Trump’s victory, a victory would gain him a huge political advantage in 2020?

The following three articles lend perspective.


New Zealand Mosque Massacre: A False Flag Terrorist Attack, Gladio Black Operation and CIA Global Psyop (Updated)

State of the Nation [See source for videos and links.]
March 15, 2019

IDES OF MARCH: What really happened at the New Zealand mosque terrorist attack? Cui bono?

It’s no coincidence that this odious mass shooting was conducted in a city with the name Christchurch. Of course, the perps would choose the Ides of March to carry out such a heinous and murderous plot. The cool precision and mechanical firing of his automatic rifle indicates that the terrorist who killed 49 Muslim congregants at the mosque in New Zealand was a highly trained professional.

In other words, no matter who this guy is according to his public background, he’s really a stone-cold Gladio-trained terrorist on a specific mission.

While it’s entirely true that he may not even know what that mission was, he was used by his masters to incite a religious war on the once peaceful island nation of New Zealand. That religious and race and cultural war will undoubtedly spill over to every other nation with similar religious demographics.

The Power That Be are determined to destroy every idyllic paradise on planet Earth as they themselves approach their own demise. With the Internet running at full tilt — 24/7 — TPTB know that it’s only a matter of time before their own faces show up on the World’s Most Wanted list.

Events are now unfolding so quickly across the entire planetary civilization and information is being shared instantaneously, as the video of the real-time mass shooting clearly demonstrated, that the true perps at the very peak of the pinnacle of the worldly power pyramid can no longer hide as they once did.

Everything about this act of unspeakable violence pushed the edge of the envelope like never before, even by Gladio standards. It’s as though Gladio is screaming out to the people of the world—“Catch me, if you can.” “Catch us before we do this again.”

Cui bono? In the short term, who really gains by this shocking atrocity? [. . .] Of course, the gun control maniacs will be coming out of the woodwork with a vengeance after the rifles that were deliberately videoed by the mass murderer. They will be screaming for nationwide gun control even though it was the shooter who did the killing, not the inanimate guns and bullets. The fastidious staging of this entire black operation reveals the true intent where it concerns the desired global gun control measures. TPTB have never been so afraid of an armed populace. And they will do everything in their power to disarm every citizenry in the world post-haste.

Shut down the Right and Justify Internet censorship

The immediate response by the CIA’s Mockingbird Media points directly to a highly calculated campaign to shut down Patriot Movements worldwide with this tragic event. Already, media platforms on both the Alt Left and throughout the Corporate Media are naming President Trump as the original instigator that set the stage for this mass shooting. The same CIA agents, Deep State operatives and MSM provocateurs are labelling the nationalist groups around the world as the fertile ground for the perpetration of these massacres.

Never mind that the language is always sending terribly mixed messages about the true reasons; the Mockingbird Media never misses an opportunity to accuse the Right of violent behavior they are totally innocent of. These false accusers are then unrelenting in tarring all conservatives with the same brush of racism, extremism, misogyny and bigotry, when it’s actually the Left that is guilty of them. And, quite cynically, it’s the Left that is behind the mass shootings.

Truly, the Liberal accusers always end up standing accused of this unseemly conduct as the investigations by truth-seekers reach conclusions far different than the involved law enforcement agencies and mainstream media. Despite the facts, the MSM then provides a platform for flaming communists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to spew her absurd hypotheses and wild allegations. Political bolsheviks like her are also the first to use these massacres as an excuse to take away our firearms.

See: Ocasio Already Blames the Rifle and not the Shooter for Mosque Mass Shooting [QI editor: see source for link.]

At the end of the day, however, it’s the Internet space that really matters the most. This is where the Deep State conspiracy to shut down freedom of speech will have severe consequences for nationalists around the globe. TPTB are experts at executing black ops like this in an effort to further censor the Right as well as significantly weaken the Second Amendment.

MK-Ultra Mind Controlled Perp

The 17-minute video of the entire shooting that was sent to the TMR editor has been closely viewed. Clearly, the execution of this mass shooting was performed by a highly skilled military-trained assassin. Given the accuracy with which he hit (and killed) his victims, it’s clear that he was a extremely qualified marksman. However, it was his extraordinary composure throughout the entire rampage that revealed the degree of mind-control programming that he has been subjected to. There is also the distinct possibility that the shooter was under the influence of the same type of powerful psychotropic drugs that various militaries around the world give their soldiers right before battle.

To have carried out such a savage operation without the slightest indication of conscience exposes this whole psyop as a carefully planned event. Only a drug-addled robot could have moved as efficiently and proficiently without the slightest concern about being caught or confronted. He even doubled back to each pile of victims to shoot them again to make sure his quarry was dead.

Hence, only an MK-Ultra level mind-controlled agent of Gladio could have conducted this operation as flawlessly as the shooter did. The premeditated filming of the entire black op was the real giveaway that something was very scripted about the unusually intentional NWO scheme.* The real intent of that script will surely reveal itself over the weeks ahead.
*NWO = New World Order

KEY POINTS: There’s a definite pattern to these incessant false flag mass shootings. Their meticulously planned timing  ALWAYS puts them in a media lull of sorts. For instance, this attack transpired not too long after the 3 freshman House Democrats were wrongfully accused of being anti-Semitic. It’s as if this mass murder was carried out to justify those patently false allegations. An astute observer will also notice that these captivating global psyops are purposely scheduled right after a HUGE scandal has erupted like the recent Boeing 737 MAX grounding. (See: Cancellation Chaos: $600 Billion In Boeing 737 Max Orders At Risk). Therefore, it can be stated with certainty that major distraction is always built in to these mesmerizing and fear-mongering events.

Occult influences at work

It’s no wonder that Gladio chose the Ides of March to conduct this mass shooting. Just like they chose Valentine’s Day to carry out the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, Florida to mar that date forever, the Ides of March was selected because of the grisly murder of Julius Caesar in the Roman Senate. Many folks still have a negative association with March 15th so it’s very easy to further fear-monger around this day.

Then there is the matter that the Australian assassin willfully went to Christchurch, New Zealand to perpetrate the crime spree. The very name — Christchurch — has always evoked the Christian sentiments of love and compassion and peace. Now look at what the perps have done to it. Just like San Bernardino, California will always be associated with the 2015 terrorist attack so, too, will Christchurch from this point onward.

Beyond these obvious perceptions, there is always a much deeper occult meaning and intention behind global events of this magnitude and profundity. These have to do with the ritual human sacrifice that was truly held at the Al Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Centre in Christchurch. When forty-nine people are mercilessly killed in this manner, someone, somewhere is harnessing the dark occult energies generated from the bloodbath. Of course, 49 = 7 x 7, so there is plenty of room for numerological speculation just as there is regarding the death date of 3-13-2019.

The bottom line here is that the hidden occult motivations for these types of impressive events are the most significant of all. The power elite have always taken advantage of dark occult power to further lock down planet Earth, and this ritual sacrifice will further their goals considerably.

One other very important line of inquiry that holds the key to unlocking the meaning of this ritual sacrifice can be found in the photos of the rifles used in this terror attack. There are all kind of clues left by both the terrorist himself and his Gladio handlers. Exactly what they mean will become more clear as the Alt Media dissects and analyzes every word and symbol.


The criminally insane psychopaths who run the world will do whatever is necessary to realize their plans for total world domination. But they know they must accomplish their misguided and malevolent goals within a certain time frame. Beyond that threshold of time their New World Order agenda is inevitably doomed.

The New World Order globalist cabal, Illuminati families and Black Nobility do not care how much death and destruction occurs in the execution of their ill-fated multi-century conspiracy to established a One World Government (OWG). All of these inveterate warmongers care about is that their NWO scheme is implemented and completed. There is no concern for even their own should the formation of a OWG be put into jeopardy. [. . .]

CAVEAT: This Gladio-directed mass shooting is by no means your typical false flag mass shooting. This was a very purposeful and well-planned “shock and awe” black operation and psyop meant to have immense global repercussions. And so it is. Therefore, the true objectives can only be understood with the passage of time. Over the coming days the mainstream media (MSM) will spin this terrible shooting one way, and then another. With each MSM report, the pieces of TPTB puzzle will slowly be put into place so that both the purposes and the perps will become better known. In this way, the whole world will eventually see “Cui bono”. Twitter is also an excellent platform to watch in order to ferret out the many forces and understand the reasons behind this massacre. See: #NewZealandShooting


Barely a day old and New Zealand is already planning on stiffening the gun laws. How convenient that the mass shooter had 5 different guns to carry out his slaughter. And, that he had the presence of mind to video the use of different rifles as well as switching out the spent magazines. Now the NZ Prime Minister is set to ban all semi-automatic weapons. See: New Zealand To Change Gun Laws After Mosque Shooting

The shooter’s use of social media is also something that demands attention. What is particularly suspicious is how long the four major social media platforms took to remove the Gladio ops horrifying content. One Big Social Media site hosted the killer’s video for as long as 10 hours. How did that happen… except by purposeful design?

State of the Nation Editor’s Note

The Alt Media and Fifth Estate have proven beyond any doubt that a good number of these mass shootings are either 100% hoaxes staged by crisis actors from beginning to end, or they hybrids with part reality and part hoax. The New Zealand Gladio event was carried out in such a manner that all doubt has apparently been removed for the average investigator or researcher. It’s as if TPTB wanted to completely dispel the notion that obvious hoaxes such as Sandy Hook were also real. Nonetheless, as the Truth Movement well knows, it’s still within the realm of possibility that this event was entirely staged and filmed with great effect. Yes, these consummate false flaggers are that good. However, this news outlet will treat this tragedy as the real deal until proven otherwise. Special Note: Our deepest condolences to the families and friends of each of the victims who was killed in this utterly senseless act of carnage.

Author’s Note: The original high quality video of this Gladio op will be shared with crime scene investigators and false flag researchers after the period of grieving has concluded. This video is the single most disturbing that the TMR staff has ever viewed. Clearly, this cold and calculated film production was meant to have maximum emotional and psychological impact, which it quite unfortunately did.

[Click here for full article with background links and videos.]

Related article:

Did Gladio do New Zealand as a false flag to demonize Trump and shut down the Right?

Why Was John Podesta REALLY In New Zealand Days Before Mass Shooting? Signs This Was A HUGE False Flag To Demonize Nationalism And Further Censor The Internet

Millennium Report [See source for links and videos.]
March 15, 2019

By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die

Ambulances parked outside a mosque in central Christchurch, New Zealand, Friday, March 15 (–Yorkshire Post)

While I woke up this morning expecting to write a story about just how incredibly deeply corrupt America has become as Michael Snyder reports in this new story over at the Economic Collapse Blog following the college admissions scandal that has rocked parts of Hollywood and some of the global elite who were buying their children’s way into some of the top universities across America, I was immediately sidetracked by some of the absolutely bizarre coincidences and signs following the mosque shooting in New Zealand that the globalists and mainstream media want EVERYBODY to know about because it perfectly fits their agenda.

Despite the fact that scumbag cannibal John Podesta was just in New Zealand days ago to warn that the 2020 New Zealand elections are a ‘juicy target’ for a major hack (why is POS Podesta still relevant, by the way?), and that the entire scenario in New Zealand provides the perfect opportunity for the globalists to further censor the internet, this ‘attack‘ completely demonizes the ‘alt right‘, President Trump and his supporters at a time when the globalists are attempting to take down his presidency.

As Mike Adams reports in this new story over at Natural News talking of the photo directly below, “here’s a screen grab of the video the shooter live-streamed on Facebook. Note the bizarre scrawling in white marker on this shotgun which was used at the beginning of the shooting. The fact that this event was carefully scripted, video recorded and published on social media proves that this real violence was staged as a global media event to achieve a specific political purpose.”

What might that ‘political purpose‘ be? At a time when even President Trump is hinting at a potential civil war in America as was reported within this Daily Mail story, and ‘nationalism‘ and ‘populism‘ spreading rapidly around the world at a time when the globalists had hoped to ‘have the planet in the bag‘, it’s quite clear that nothing is off limits to them in their goal to take down President Trump and demonize his supporters while completing their ‘end game‘ for America.

So we’re going to jump right into an extended excerpt below of Mike Adams absolute must-read story and his description of what he believes may have really played out in New Zealand, with the country also a member of “Five Eyes“, an intelligence alliance also comprising Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States: “These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.”

As Adams tells us, all of what happened in New Zealand appears to him to be a staging of events to provoke more hatred and war and it’s quite clear, the demonization of anything ‘President Trump‘, including black Conservative Candace Owens who one of the shooters mentioned within his rambling ‘manifesto‘ that was pushing for civil war in America.

As Adams also points out within his story, there are also reports of three different shooters at two different locations, showing some level of co-ordination that absolutely hint at the type of co-ordinated deep state false flag shootings we’ve seen over and over again. And as Adams points out, twitter just helped them achieve their ultimate goal. Might that also be to further censor the internet with facebook and twitter largely powerless to stop the circulation of the horrific shooting video?

The violence is real, but the entire shooting appears to be an elaborate staging of events to provoke more war and hatred…and Twitter just helped the killers achieve their ultimate goal.

Notably, as much as the violence in this event appears to be genuine, it also appears that the shooter was setting up an elaborate narrative to blame conservatives such as Candace Owens, who is for some reason named in a post that was reportedly authored by the shooter. (Candace Owens is a brilliant, African-American conservative commentator who abhors the use of violence, by the way.) Other parts of the post containing hate-filled rants against Islam and a desire to carry out violence against Muslims.

The narrative that this shooter was “radicalized” by intelligent conservative voices like Candace Owens is obviously contrived, and it points to larger questions about who might really be behind this event (and who benefits from the narrative that emerges from the carefully scripted, video-documented violence).

According to the shooter’s own manifesto which was apparently posted to social media, the shooter specifically chose to use firearms to escalate mass media coverage and cause a civil war in the United States. The rantings read like a CIA “divide and conquer” blueprint, or a “problem-reaction-solution” approach to sowing dissent and sparking even more violence. See for rapid coverage of tweets and videos, as we are refusing to publish the videos here, since they are too graphic.

Another suspicious fact that’s emerging from this event concerns reports that there may have been three shooters at two locations, meaning this may have been a coordinated, carefully planned (i.e. staged) event. With the New Zealand event already showing several different signs of being a potential false flag event as seen in the graphic above, we’ll take a further look here at the political agendas which New Zealand may help the globalists to carry out with the demonization of President Trump and his supporters now front and center.

As the Daily Mail made sure to EMPHASIZE on the front page of their website, “Trump-supporting white supremacist opens fire and live-streams the massacre!” Yet as Breitbart points out in this new story, in his rambling manifesto, the shooter describes himself as both ‘a fascist‘ and ‘a socialist‘ “depending upon the definition“.

In fact, the shooter who created the manifesto also describes wanting to kick-off a civil war in America while declaring “Conservativism is dead. Thank God.” What President Trump supporter would ever proclaim such an utterance?

With what happened in New Zealand looking more and more like a false flag event to demonize not only President Trump and his supporters but nationalism as well, we can’t help but come back to remarks recently made by POTUS himself.

As Breitbart reported in a recent interview with the President, when asked of all the division in America with the deep state still pushing for a very real coup of his presidency, effectively overturning the vote of the American people, President Trump responded: “I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump — I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough — until they go to a certain point and then it would be very bad, very bad.”

As the Daily Mail reported of that interview, President Trump’s words were very ominous and with the corrupted faction of the deep state that is still loyal to the Clinton crime family having shown they’ll stop at nothing to take down President Trump, will their actions aided by the mainstream media lead to civil war in this country?

Soooo, why was John Podesta REALLY in New Zealand just days before the horrific Mosque shootings?

In the first video below [QI editor: see source for videos], our videographer takes a look at the shooting and the manifesto while asking, “false flag?” In the 2nd and final video below, our videographer goes over the months of March and October, what he calls ‘sacrificial months‘ for the global elite, and walks through with us a series of events similar to New Zealand that have happened previously, also referencing the recent Ethiopian plane crash as a potential sacrificial event by the satanic global elite.

[Click here for full article with background links and videos.]

Related article:

Conservative? Hardly. New Zealand mass shooter is a far-Left “eco-fascist” who praised communist China

By Ethan Huff

Natural News [See source for links and videos]
March 15, 2019

Armed police following a shooting at the Al Noor mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand (–BBC)

As usual, the lying mainstream media is busy plastering up fake headlines all over the place about the latest mass shooting incident that took place in New Zealand, describing the alleged shooter as a “Trump-supporting white supremacist” who hates Muslims for being brown. But the guy’s own 1,500-page manifesto, which Big Tech is actively trying to scrub from the web, by the way, tells a much different story.

Far from being a rally-attending apologist for President Donald Trump like the fake media is now claiming, 28-year-old Brenton Tarrant, the man whom Australian media outlets have named as the shooter, is a self-described “eco-fascist by nature” – meaning he’s a Leftist that’s more aligned with Democrats than Republicans.

Tarrant clearly wrote in his rambling manifesto, in response to a question he apparently posed to himself, that he certainly does not support President Trump. “As a policy maker and leader? Dear god no,” were Tarrant’s exact words, unequivocally indicating that, contrary to fake news claims, he likely wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a MAGA (Make America Great Again) hat.

Tarrant’s diary goes on to reveal that he’s anything but a conservative, and is actually more aligned with radical domestic terrorist groups like Antifa. In response to another question he posed to himself about where he aligns both politically and socially, Tarrant had this to say, in no uncertain terms: “The nation with the closest political and social values to my own is the People’s Republic of China.”

In other words, Tarrant is a full-fledged communist, just like Democrat Darling and failed 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who actually grew up in communist China and has had nothing but positive things to say for the country ever since. As Sanders once admitted in infamy, he’s even proud of communist China’s breadlines, which he described to the media as “good.”

[ . . . ]

Brenton Tarrant says his intent was to spark civil war in America, claims Candace Owens “influenced me above all”. As to why Tarrant decided to carry out this particular attack, his manifesto reveals that one of his primary aims was to “create conflict” between opposing ideologies in the United States as it concerns legal gun ownership. His apparent hope was that this ongoing battle over the Second Amendment would result in another civil war, which he believes “will eventually balkanize the U.S. along political, cultural and, most importantly, racial lines.”

Tarrant also bizarrely credited conservative pundit Candace Owens for being the person that “radicalized” him and “influenced me above all,” further describing Owens as someone whose insights and views “helped push me further and further into the belief of violence over meekness.”

How come the fake news never clearly identifies Muslims whenever they carry out terror attacks? Keep in mind that Candace Owens is a black woman, which suggests that Tarrant isn’t doing a very good job at being the “white supremacist” that the fake news media is claiming he is. Further, he describes himself as transitioning from communism, to anarchism, to libertarianism, to eco-fascist, which further suggests that he’s not quite stable in the noggin.

But almost none of this is being reported in the mainstream news, as fake headline after fake headline pushes the narrative that Tarrant is no different than you’re average Trump supporter. Even worse are the escalating Leftist dog whistles against white people, conservatism, patriotism, and gun rights – as if some deranged New Zealander has anything to do with these things here in the United States.

Had this incident been inverted, with a deranged Muslim storming into a Christian church and murdering several dozen innocent people, you can be sure that the mainstream media would be working overtime to conceal the shooter’s ethnic and religious identity. And anyone who actually told the truth in this hypothetical scenario would have been immediately labeled “Islamophobic.”

But because the shooter in this case has lighter skin and doesn’t claim that Allah is God, fake news outlets are having a heyday branding him with all sorts of anti-white, anti-Trump stereotypes in an attempt to foment more Leftist rage against Caucasians, while simultaneously fueling anti-Second Amendment sentiments.

“It’s like clockwork,” wrote one commenter at The Gateway Pundit about the fake news media’s tired and obvious tactic of exploiting tragedies like this to promote their anti-American agendas.

“The left immediately exploits tragedy and horror as a tool to bludgeon their opposition and critics and promote their agenda. The dead and dying have not even been moved from the scene before they start in with their hateful ideological harangue. They don’t mourn the victims, they cheer the political potential of their demise. That isn’t just sick, it’s evil.”

Tarrant’s full manifesto is available for online viewing at this link. [See source for links.]

Sources for this article include:,,,,
[Click here for full article with background links and videos.]


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Quantum Theory of Gravitation - by Vasily Yanchilin - Posted April 12, 2018 - A fascinating new approach to gravity and cosmology, this film is about The Quantum Theory of Gravitation discovered by Russian scientist Vasily Yanchilin.

Quemado Institute Culture Page

Reinhold Messner - World's Greatest Mountaineer - VIDEO Interview set in the Italian Alps

News from Novorossiya

Donbass News - Full Report - December 24, 2017 - SPECIAL CHRISTMAS EDITION

Quemado Institute Syria Page

US supports Kurds in Syria: Turks react - By Mehmet Ersoy - January 27, 2018 - The Operation Olive Branch in northern Syria started five days ago. Five days ago the Afrin region became a possible hotbed of a full-scale . . . CLICK TO READ MORE>>

News from Novorossiya

Kiev launches over 1,200 shells on DPR territory in 24 hours - JCCC - DONi News - November 26, 2017 - The Ukrainian army launched more than 1,200 shells on the front-line localities of the Donetsk People’s Republic over the past 24 hours . . . Click image for more>>

Quemado Institute Editorial

New Lugansk Leadership Offers Hope For Donbass Unity - Eduard Popov - Introduction - LPR Presidential Transition: The Dark Side and the Light Side - By Kennedy Applebaum - Lugansk after the Coup: Towards a Unified Donbass People's Republic? - By Eduard Popov - Fort Russ - November 26, 2017

Quemado institute Syria Page

Russian special forces repel US-planned attack in Syria, denounce USA and issue a stark warning By The Saker - September 21, 2017

Quemado Institute Opinion

(Click then scroll to title.) VIDEO - CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose the Shadow Government - September 7, 2017

Quemado Institute Editorial

Cataclysm of Planetary Decline: Are Insects Facing Extinction? Apocalyptic Forewarning - By Karl Pomeroy - Quemado Institute - August 30, 2017

Quemado Institute Editorial

Afghanistan Escalation: Full Analysis by Quemado Institute - Donald Trump and the War of the Imperial West - By Karl Pomeroy - August 26, 2017

Quemado Institute Editorial

Google Censorship Under Scrutiny – By Claire Connelly - With introduction by Quemado Institute - Revised September 4, 2017

Novorossiya Daily Sun -Official Website Link-

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Censorship Looms Over European Union

Quemado Institute editor Karl Pomeroy received a legal threat today in response to a comment he posted on the Russia Insider website about the rise of the R********d banking family. The comment did not mention race, but was of historical content. The threatener accused Karl of “spreading Nazi propaganda,” then repeated the full text of the German Criminal Code Section 130, which outlaws inciting “hatred against a national, racial, religious group or a group defined by their ethnic origins,” which Karl’s comment did not do. A similar law, it was claimed, is now in force in 11 other European countries and carries a penalty of up to five years. The wording of the law is so vague, it could be applied to any criticism of those in power. If a political analyst can accidentally “violate” this totalitarian decree, there is no freedom of speech or press in Europe.